trait DepValue{
type V
val value: V
def magic(that: DepValue): that.V = that.value
The return type of "magic" depends on the argument passed in.
def mk[T](x: T) = new DepValue{
type V = T
val value = x
val depInt = mk(1)
val depString = mk("two")
val itWorks: Int = magic(depInt)
val again: String = magic(depString)
trait Foo{
class Bar
def doNothing(b: Bar){}
val f1 = new Foo{}
val b1 = new f1.Bar()
val f2 = new Foo{}
val b2 = new f2.Bar()
f1.doNothing(b1) //fine
f1.doNothing(b2) //won't compile
package scala.collection.generic
trait IsTraversableOnce[Repr]{
type A
val conversion: Repr => GenTraversableOnce[A]
trait IsTraversableLike[Repr]{
type A
def conversion(repr: Repr): GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]
Building a type extractor.
trait Inner[F]{
type T
object Inner{
def apply[F](implicit inner: Inner[F]) = inner
implicit def mk[F[_], A] = new Inner[F[A]]{
type T = A
trait IsFuture[F]{
type T
def apply(f: F): Future[T]
object IsFuture{
def apply[F](implicit isf: IsFuture[F]) = isf
implicit def mk[A] = new IsFuture[Future[A]]{
type T = A
def apply(f: Future[A]): Future[A] = f
def logResult[Thing](thing: Thing)
(implicit isf: IsFuture[Thing]): Future[isf.T] =
isf(thing) map{ x =>
log info s"I got a result of $x"
Here, IsFuture witnesses that the type "Thing" is a Future and allows us to convert it to it's explicit and fully qualified type.
trait Apart[F]{
type T
type W[X]
def apply(f: F): W[T]
object Apart{
def apply[F](implicit apart: Apart[F]) = apart
implicit def mk[F[_], A] = new Apart[F[A]]{
type T = A
type W[X] = F[X]
def apply(f: F[A]): W[T] = f
This is more than a type constructor
type W[X]
It is an equation.
Valid declarations
trait Demo[F[_]]{
type W[X] = F[X]
type Ignore[X] = F[Int]
type Identity[X] = X
type Const[X] = Int
object Apart{
def apply[F](implicit apart: Apart[F]) = apart
type Aux[FA, A, F[_]] = Apart[FA]{ type T = A; type W[X] = F[X] }
implicit def mk[F[_], A]: Aux[F[A], A, F] = new Apart[F[A]]{
type T = A
type W[X] = F[X]
def apply(f: F[A]): W[T] = f
What does this give us?
import scalaz._
def mapZero[Thing, F[_], A](thing: Thing)
(implicit apart: Apart.Aux[Thing, A, F],
f: Functor[F],
m: Monoid[A]): F[A] = =>
ApplyEither is like a compile time "orElse."
val out = ApplyEither(1, {x: Int => 42}, {x: Double => "no"})
assert(out == 42)
val out2 = ApplyEither(2.0, {x: Int => 42}, {x: Double => "no"})
assert(out2 == "no")
The function that compiles is the function that is chosen.
object ApplyEither{
def apply[T, F, G](t: T, f: F, g: G)
(implicit ea: EApply[T, F, G]): ea.Out = ea(t, f, g)
trait EApply[T, F, G]{
type Out
def apply(t: T, f: F, g: G): Out
object EApply extends LowPriorityEApply{
def apply[T, F, G](implicit ea: EApply[T, F, G]) = ea
implicit def fapply[T, R, G] = new EApply[T, T => R, G] {
type Out = R
def apply(t: T, f: T => R, g: G) = f(t)
trait LowPriorityEApply{
implicit def gapply[T, R, F] = new EApply[T, F, T => R] {
type Out = R
def apply(t: T, f: F, g: T => R) = g(t)
Limitations on Inner and Apart?
case class Foo[V](value: V)
def zero[T, A](t: T)(implicit inner: Inner.Aux[T, A],
m: Monoid[A]): inner.T =
zero(Foo(Foo(1))) //won't compile!
Neither goes deeper than the first type constructor.
trait Unwrap[F]{
type Inner
object Unwrap extends LowPriorityUnwrap{
def apply[F](implicit unwrap: Unwrap[F]) = unwrap
type Aux[T, A] = Unwrap[T] { type Inner = A }
implicit def nested[F[_], G](implicit unwrap: Unwrap[G]) =
new Unwrap[F[G]]{
type Inner = unwrap.Inner
trait LowPriorityUnwrap{
implicit def bottom[F[_], A] =
new Unwrap[F[A]]{
type Inner = A
def zero[T, A](t: T)(implicit unwrap: Unwrap.Aux[T, A],
m: Monoid[A]): unwrap.Inner =
val out = zero(Foo(Foo(1)))
assert(out == 0)
This compiles and now can access the inner type parameter of the nested Foo, Int.
Let's use types to guide the behavior of our application in a more direct manner. Who likes writing this?
def annoy[A](that: Future[List[Set[Int]]],
f: Int => A): Future[List[Set[A]]] =
that map{
_ map{
_ map f
object MapIt{
def apply[A, B, C](in: A, f: B => C)
(implicit mapper: Mapper[A, B, C]): mapper.Out = mapper(in, f)
trait Mapper[A, B, C]{
type Out
def apply(a: A, f: B => C): Out
object Mapper{
def apply[A, B, C](implicit mapper: Mapper[A, B, C]) = mapper
implicit def recur[F[_], A, B, C](implicit nested: Mapper[A, B, C],
f: Functor[F]) =
new Mapper[F[A], B, C] {
type Out = F[nested.Out]
def apply(fa: F[A], g: B => C): Out =, g))
implicit def base[F[_], A, B >: A, C](implicit f: Functor[F]) =
new Mapper[F[A], B, C]{
type Out = F[C]
def apply(fa: F[A], g: B => C) =
Value equality checks out.
val in = List(List(1))
val out = MapIt(in, {x: Int => x+1})
assert(List(List(2)) == out)
but value equality doesn't test types...
scala> identity[List[List[Int]]](out)
type mismatch;
found: Mapper[List[List[Int]], Int, Int]#Out
required: List[List[Int]]
object Mapper{
type Aux[A, B, C, Out0] = Mapper[A, B, C]{ type Out = Out0 }
implicit def recur[F[_], A, B, C]
(implicit nested: Mapper[A, B, C],
f: Functor[F]): Aux[F[A], B, C, F[nested.Out]] =
implicit def base[F[_], A, B >: A, C]
(implicit f: Functor[F]): Aux[F[A], B, C, F[C]] =
If an algorithm or a structure has invariants, you can prove those invariants within the type system, i.e. if it compiles, it's correct!
A balanced tree where the left branch must be greater than or equal to right branch in height.
import shapeless._
sealed trait Tree[+T]{
type N <: Nat
object Leaf extends Tree[Nothing]{
type N = _0
trait Branch[T] extends Tree[T]{
def value: T
def left: Tree[T]
def right: Tree[T]
I'm cheating. I'm going to use Nat's from Shapeless. There's a few type classes/witnesses I get for free:
and LTEq[N,M]
. Mult[N, M]
, Div[N,M]
, Sum[N,M]
, Pow[N,M]
and Min[N,M]
. Diff[N,M]
object Branch {
type Aux[T, N0 <: Nat] = Branch[T] { type N = N0 }
def apply[T, D <: Nat](value0: T, left0: Tree[T], right0: Tree[T])
(implicit diff: Diff.Aux[left0.N, right0.N, D],
lte: LTEq[D, _1]): Aux[T, Succ[left0.N]] =
new Branch[T] {
val value = value0
val left = left0
val right = right0
type N = Succ[left0.N]
val b1 = Branch(1, Leaf, Leaf)
val b2 = Branch(2, Leaf, Leaf)
val higher = Branch(3, b1, Leaf)
val higher2 = Branch(4, b2, b1)
val nope = Branch(42, higher, Leaf) //won't compile
val nadda = Branch(42, Leaf, b1) //won't do it either
Sure does!
What we'd really like is if we could have a balanced tree not restricted to left heavy.
val lower = Branch(1, Leaf, Leaf)
val right = Branch(42, Leaf, lower)
The problem is how we originally defined branch creation.
You can't directly map to a single method for mutually exclusive proofs.
object Branch{
def apply[T](value: T, left0: Tree[T], right0: Tree[T])
(implicit tb: TreeBuilder[T, left0.N, right0.N]): Aux[T, tb.Height] =
tb(value, left0, right0)
trait TreeBuilder[T, N <: Nat, M <: Nat]{
type Height <: Nat
def apply(v: T, l: Tree[T], r: Tree[T]): Branch.Aux[T, Height]
object TreeBuilder with LowPriorityTreeBuilder{
def apply[T, N <: Nat, M <: Nat]
(implicit tb: TreeBuilder[T, N, M]): Aux[T, N, M, tb.Height] = tb
type Aux[T, N <: Nat, M <: Nat, Height0 <: Nat] =
TreeBuilder[T, N, M] {type Height = Height0}
A paradox, the Aux capturing the dependent type is defined in terms of the dependent type.
implicit def mkLeft[T, N0 <: Nat, M <: Nat, D <: Nat]
(implicit diff: Diff.Aux[N0, M, D],
lte: LTEq[D, _1]): Aux[T, N0, M, Succ[N0]] =
new TreeBuilder[T, N0, M] { self =>
type Height = Succ[N0]
def apply(value0: T, left0: Tree[T], right0: Tree[T]) =
new Branch[T] {
val value = value0
val left = left0
val right = right0
type N = self.Height
Flip "right" and "left" for the other half